She has Bigger Arms than Arnie


By Aimee Braniff Cree


MEET THE WOMAN who at 24 inches has bigger biceps than Arnie in his prime having dedicating the last two years of her life to bodybuilding and is not afraid to face down the online haters.

Self-proclaimed “She Hulk”, Jackie Koorn (33) a security company owner from Schagen, Netherlands is known as a muscle machine who has always been into fitness and spent much of her youth participating in judo, football, swimming, and kickboxing.

It was not until she had to take a hiatus from kickboxing in 2020 because of COVID restrictions that she began taking body buildling seriously.

Since then Jackie has more than doubled her body weight she is now a strong 25 stone with 70% of that being pure muscle.

Jackies has biceps of 24 inches, with legendary bodybuilder and actor Arnold Swarzanagger’s biceps measuring 22 inches in his prime, with a 46 inch chest, 53 inch hip and 41 inch quads.

The response Jackie gets from posting her pictures online varies from being called “fat” and “a feminine man” to having proposals of marriage for her perfect body.

Jackie has had marriage proposals because of her perfect physique.

None of this hype bothers Jackie though, her focus is always on bettering herself and getting stronger.

“I am one of six children, our family has a background of playing sports. At a young age I was taking part in judo, football and swimming,” said Jackie.

“I come from a good family, we were always taught if you want something you have to work for it. I think that has carried through into my fitness, I work very hard for my body.

“What led me to building my curvy girl muscle was my temporary hiatus from kickboxing, I always had an interest in fitness but having to take a hiatus allowed me to focus on a different way of using my body, that led me here.”

Before taking bodybuilding seriously Jackie was still fit, she weighed 11-and-a-half stone, but the constant dieting this weight required affected her physically.

“Before I got so strong I still felt good, but often tired due to the continuous dieting,” she said.

“Now I feel strong, huge and pretty good. I have built myself up through continuing a good diet and exercise regime. Good food and lifting weights that what you need if you want to grow muscle.

“I’m now cutting so its now so my diet is eight cooked eggs a day, two at breakfast with some cottage cheese and granola, one hour later two cooked eggs again, for lunch it will be two cooked eggs with some chicken breast on a cracker, at dinner I’ll have the last two cooked eggs with some vegetables, spinach, beans or broccoli.

“As I am cutting right now I am taking in 2,200 calories a day, when I am just building it is more like 3,200.

“My exercise now is starting the day with 100 push ups and 250 sit ups.

“Then I will do two hours of strength training seven days a week.”

Jackie poses at the gym.

Jackie shares her journey on Instagram and encourages others to embrace their strength and also their curves. Body positivity is a key element of her platform but that doesn’t stop the trolls.

“You are called fat, ugly, stupid, transsexual, feminine man, accused of using synthol, anything but nothing stops me, this is curvy muscle the natural way and I do it my way, my unique self,” she said.

“What I do when someone calls me names like that is I delete the comment and then I block the person, I put no weight on negative mindsets, there will always be people that think they know better or can do it better, but this journey is mine and I will do it my way without the negative comments.

“Honestly if people are saying nasty things to you on your journey just ignore the negative thoughts or comments.

“I want to bring some new thing to the market, I call it curvy muscle, because I want to have my female curves but also want to have the muscles in a healthy good way.

Jackie flaunts her incredible physique.

“I also get plenty of compliments on my physique, reactions like I want to marry you because you have the perfect body, or you are the perfect woman.

“I am very proud of my body and what it can do, some of my personal bests are 150kg deadlift, I bench press 200kg, I squat 100kg and my leg press push is at 450kg.”

Jackie’s life is dedicated to fitness so she is the perfect point of reference for where to start.

“Go get experience in the gym, don’t be afraid to ask people, everybody starts at the bottom, workout with some friends or family.”