By Aimee Braniff Cree


MEET the couple with a 47 year age gap who are determined to show the world that love has no age limit – despite him being younger than some of her grandchildren.

Kathi Jenkins (74) met Devaughn Aubrey (27) from Texas, USA on the adult hookup site Adult Friend Finder (AFF), AFF is not a dating site.

Surprisingly after getting to know eachother, the relationship turned to much more than sex for Kathi and Devaughn and they are now engaged to be married.

Kathi is retired, she has four children, thirteen grandchildren, 36 great grandchildren and one great great grandson. Kathi has had a few long term relationships, but has never been married before.

Devaughn works as a stocker at Walmart and a porter for condos. He has no children, but has been married before when, at 24, he married a girl he attended school with. The couple divorced in 2021, shortly before he met Kathi.

Kathi and Devaughn have now been in a relationship for over a year, and are planning to get married next year.

They have faced some adversity in their relationship, with Kathi usually going for tall white men so Devaughn was a surprise to her family. One of her daughters has an issue with him being a vegan.

Devaughn’s family is supportive for the most part, but they thought he was lying about just how old she was until he showed them pictures.

Kathi and Devaughn both agree this is the healthiest relationship they have ever been in and are looking forward to getting married and building their future together.

ā€œShe is so perfect for me and she is very experienced in life and teaches me a lot. We never fight, can always talk without yelling and I trust her completely,ā€ said Devaughn

“She smells really good all the time, her voice is amazing and soothing and it’s cute to see her move her little lips around and make sounds with them so cute.

ā€œHer face is so damn gorgeous it’s hard to take my eyes off her image, really hard makes me weak when I think about it.

ā€œHer eyes are so pretty and attractive and inviting makes me want to live in them, best pair I have ever seen.

ā€œKathi knows how to make me feel better when I’m upset and sad but then it makes me miss her more.

ā€œKathi is funny, I don’t realize how crazy I am until she laughs at me. She knows a lot of jokes, jokes that make you think you know what is coming but she always says something you didn’t except, she’s good at making things sound dirty when they aren’t.

ā€œShe has a very pretty face and very sexy body from her cute little toes that wiggle around to her big squishy thighs to her wide jiggly hips that give her so much pain to her weird belly button that I love to play with.

ā€œKathis belly looks a good belly hard to explain but I love big bellies and baby she’s got it, I love her huge saggy tits a lot I like to rub this pretty girls little neck and her big sexy head.

ā€œShe sings beautifully and she knows a lot of those old songs that remind me of the stuff my grandmother liked and she knows a lot of the artists that my grandmother liked.

ā€œI guess I like how old she is because I like older women or old women regardless if she needs a walker and stuff. I have never been bothered by that.

Kathi explained how the couple originally hooked up in 2021.

ā€œDevaughn messaged me on AFF like many others. I responded and gave him my phone so we could text,ā€ said Kathi.

ā€œI’m not into black men and I neglected to ask about his height.

Devaughn and Kathi love each other and recently got engaged.

ā€œSomething about him made me agree to a meeting,many men say stupid stuff and I won’t meet them, but Devaughn never did.

ā€œHe liked my stories and he thought I was hot.

Devaughn explained how he first realised he was attracted to Kathi.

ā€œWe met online on AFF it is a hook up site neither of us were looking for a serious relationship,ā€ said Devaughn.

ā€œ I stumbled on her picture, it was a picture of her breast. I read her profile and messaged her in hopes of a response, she was online too and answered back.

ā€œI asked for her number and she gave it to me then she immediately asked how big my member is and we talked for a bit that night.

ā€œShe lives two hours away, we talked for four months before we actually met. She got sick with Covid for a while and I had car problems but after everything was resolved I agreed to drive two hours early in the morning to meet her in person for the first time.

ā€œOnce I got to her house she was waiting for me already in bed and directed me inside her house to her room and I came in her door and saw her, she looked way hotter than her pictures and smelled really sweet and good.

ā€œShe had this silky dark red blouse on with nothing else.

ā€œThank god I never told her my height. She’s very selective, she’s a size queen that likes tall men and I’m 5’7 so once she saw me in person one of the first things she said was ā€˜you’re shortā€™ or ā€˜you’re shorter than I thought ā€˜.

ā€œShe wasn’t mad, she thought I was hot and we met at a hotel room a couple weeks after that and just kept meeting every week until she invited me over for Thanksgiving then we became official I guess.

ā€œWe have been talking for a year, but we have been together in person for six-months.

ā€œWe actually just got engaged a couple of weeks ago and we are planning the wedding.ā€

Kathi and Devaughn lived very different lives before they met, but their worlds seem to have collided well.

ā€œI’m just a regular lady living in Texas. I have four children, three daughters and a son, I have thirteen grandchildren, thirty six great grandchildren and counting and one great great grandson so far,ā€ said Kathi.

ā€œI’ve been in Texas since my youngest was five. I have had a couple of long term relationships and worked many jobs, sometimes two at a time, I mostly waited tables or in fast food to support my children.

ā€œI have ran a few restaurants in Kerrville too.ā€

Devaughn comes from a large family and they seem supportive of his relationship, as do most of Kathiā€™s family.

ā€œI think I’m pretty nice, born and raised here in Houston TX, I have a twin brother and two sisters and one older brother and I am the only weird child they had,ā€ said Devaughn

ā€œIā€™ve always been interested in different things compared to my peers. I always thought older women were more attractive than girls my age and I just have that preference to this day.

ā€œI have a soft spot for animals, I’m vegan, I got married when I was 24 to a girl I went to school with then divorced in 2021 shortly before I met my pretty Kathi.ā€

While most of their family and friends are supportive of their love there is always some backlash when something is outside the norm.

ā€œMost of my family are okay with us being together,ā€ said Kathi.

Ā ā€œI like younger men, usually white tall men. My oldest child isn’t supportive, she doesn’t like that he is vegan but the rest are. I also have grown grandchildren and most of them are supportive.ā€

While Devaughn’s family is accepting of their relationship, they initially did not believe him that Kathi was in her 70ā€™s.

ā€œI told my mother about her when we started dating but she thought I was joking about her age until we spent our birthdays together and showed her our pictures but I’m sure my parents and siblings got the hint that I like older women,ā€ said Devaughn

ā€œI do have friends around Kathi’s age, some are concerned that I might want kids and can’t understand why I would want someone older but they are still supportive.

ā€œBecause of our age gap, sometimes people assume that Kathi is rich and that I want all her money, which is not the case at all.

Devaughn and Kathi snuggle up in bed together.

ā€œI always brag about her at work and show pictures. I keep one in my car window so everyone can see how sexy my lady is.

ā€œSome people do say it’s inappropriate but it’s just right for us.ā€

Along with the negative comes the positive with people supporting them.

ā€œMy best friend thinks it’s wonderful that we found each other,ā€ said Kathi.

ā€œMost people say ā€˜as long as you’re happyā€™, and we are very happy,ā€said Devaughn.

Kathi and Devaughn both agree this is the healthiest relationship they have ever been in and love so much about each other.

ā€œThis is the best relationship I have ever been in, no one ever loved me so completely,ā€ said Kathi.

ā€œDevaughn is kind and supportive. He thinks I’m beautiful, talented and smart.ā€

Devaughn’s love for Kathi is clear to see and he has so many sweet things to say about her.

ā€œShe offers good advice and always knows what she is talking about,ā€said Devaughn.

ā€œShe can think for herself and she loves to be her honest self without fear of judgment.

ā€œShe makes me feel loved. She tastes really good and sweet and makes me feel like maybe I do belong here on earth.

ā€œShe is a really good cook and also she helps me to keep up with stuff, I like it when she puts my stuff in her purse because I never know where I put things.

ā€œShe got pretty feet, big beautiful butt, crazy gorgeous smile, her hands feel good when she rubs me.ā€

They picture a beautiful future together once they are married.

ā€œI just want us to live the rest of our lives together and be happy,ā€ said Kathi.

ā€œI am looking forward to coming home to see my pretty hot lady with her pretty hot meals and her hot kisses,ā€ said Devaughn.

ā€œI love showing off my sexy fiance. I can’t get over how beautiful she is.ā€

Devaughn and Kathi want age gap relationships to not have a stigma and to let love be love. They had this message to share for people who may find themselves in a similar situation.

ā€œIf you love someone older, go for it, do what makes you happy,ā€ said Kathi.

ā€œI think we should all do what makes us happy no matter what people think or feel, be natural,ā€ said Devaughn.