Hurricanes are a force to be reckoned with. They can cause a lot of destruction, and they can take lives. If you live in an area that hurricanes may hit, there are several things that you need to do in order to protect yourself from them. This article is going to provide some safety tips for hurricanes as well as teach you how to protect yourself.
Plan ahead
You must always plan ahead when hurricanes are coming. You need to make sure you have enough food, water, and other supplies for the duration of the storm. This will be different depending on how long hurricanes usually last in your area, but it is important that everyone knows what their plan should be before a hurricane happens.
Also, if there are any elderly or disabled people living with you, then they will need help during this time because most likely they cannot afford to leave town. That is why the team at Cotton GDS suggests you always review your emergency plan and prepare your company for the hurricane season. It’s the best way to make sure everything is taken into account.
When looking at which supplies to buy, keep in mind that hurricanes can cause power outages, so flashlights might not always work due to the low amounts of electricity available. It’s also a good idea to have some extra batteries, just in case those stop working as well! Also, don’t forget about having something like a radio to see what’s happening around you and if it is safe to go outside.
Finally, after hurricanes are over be sure to stay in your house for at least a little while because there could still be bad weather out, so the roads might not always be open.
Purchase a generator to keep your power on during the storm
Electricity is very important during hurricanes, especially if you have a medical condition. While hurricanes may last only a few hours or days, it is always possible that the power will go out for much longer. This means you should purchase some sort of generator to keep your lights on and appliances running during this time period.
Hurricanes can be very dangerous unless precautions are taken beforehand. Always have in mind that you must have electric power for a number of things, so be sure to have a steady supply.
Fill up gas cans and store them in a cool, dry place
Another crucial thing to have been gas cans. You do not want to be stuck without gas when a hurricane is coming in, and you need to evacuate your home. Store them in a cool, dry place where the heat will not easily damage them or make them explode from being too hot.
A good rule of thumb for hurricanes is if there are warnings posted on the local news about them. Make sure you don’t start doing these things when it’s too late, but rather prepare accordingly. Gas can be used for a number of things other than a car, so make sure you have at least one for your home.
Having gas can also be very helpful should anything happen to your power lines and the electricity goes out. You won’t want to be stuck without communication or appliances that need power in order to work.
Make sure you have plenty of supplies for the duration of the hurricane
You never know how long a hurricane will last. You need to have supplies that will last for at least a week or more, depending on the severity of the hurricane. If you don’t already own many emergency supplies, now is an excellent time to prepare and get them, so they are ready when hurricanes begin approaching your area.
- Water: it is important to always stay hydrated during hurricanes because if there isn’t enough water available then people may become dehydrated, which can lead to long-term damage such as kidney failure after just two days without water!
- Food & snacks: another key item that should not go unmentioned is having plenty of food and snacks on hand to last for the duration of hurricanes.
- Clothing: you must keep warm during this period, so make sure you have every type of clothing around.
- Communication devices: cell phone service often goes down during hurricanes due mostly because everyone else also has their phones out at the same time trying to call loved ones.
- Flashlights & batteries: hurricanes are dark and scary places for most people with no power, so it is extremely helpful if everyone has at least one flashlight around.
- An emergency kit: you must be aware that injuries can happen, so make sure you have enough supplies and medication so that nobody suffers from the serious consequences of an untreated wound.
Get sandbags to protect your home from flooding or high winds
Sandbags can be used to protect the home from hurricanes. Remember that they are usually very destructive and can cause flooding, high winds, power outages, etc. Make sure you protect your family by getting sandbags before hurricane season hits.
Remember to get sandbags early in the year, so you have enough time for them to dry if they do get wet, and know where exactly to place them in order to ensure protection.
If you live in an area that is especially flood-prone, make sure to put them around the perimeter of your house and any doors leading outside, too. This will ensure protection from hurricanes because it helps keep water out of the basement, which can lead to a lot more damage if it floods inside instead of just blocking its path at the door.
Be prepared for high winds by getting sandbags placed strategically, so they help brace windows or other weak spots on your home where hurricane-force winds could enter easily otherwise.
Contact family members so they know where you are
Make sure to contact family members as hurricanes can be very destructive. When hurricanes occur, they usually wonder where you are and if you’re safe. Make sure to contact them before a hurricane strikes, especially those who live in the same area as the storm. Make sure they’re not out there looking for you because they will be endangering themselves while doing so.
Hurricanes can be destructive and deadly, so planning ahead from them is the safest thing you can do. Make sure to have enough supplies and fill up on gas, as well as a generator to make sure you never run out of electricity. Place sandbags around your house so that it doesn’t get flooded, and make sure your family knows where you are and that you’re safe. Always stay patient and never go out while it isn’t safe!