When she has a flare up, her skin around her eyes and mouth turns black and falls off. MDWFeatures / Q'Londa Harden

By Martin Ruffell


THIS WOMAN has been compared to a ZOMBIE by strangers because of a rare skin condition caused by her PERIOD that makes her skin peel off.

Regional nurse, Qā€™Londa Harden (26) from Alaska, USA, suffers from a rare disorder called Stevens-Johnson syndrome, a condition in which the bodyā€™s immune system overreacts to a mild infection, taking a new medication or in Qā€™Londaā€™s case, simply being on her period.

Q’Londa’s natural hormone surge at the start of her period, leads to blisters forming from head to toe all over her body. These then eventually burst causing her skin to turn black and peel off. For Qā€™Londa, the pain is unbearable and something she wouldnā€™t wish on her worst enemy.ā€™

Q’Londa as a child before her ordeal began. MDWFeatures / Q’Londa Harden

The 26-year-old was diagnosed with the disorder when she was just 16 by an allergist and specialist. Since then, her bodyā€™s reaction to flare-ups has only got worse and although Qā€™Londa is on the birth control pill to manage her hormone levels, this hasnā€™t always prevented her from developing symptoms. A flare up in June 2020 caused by a sharp increase in hormone levels during her period left her with no skin on her vaginal and anal regions and it was the first time that her breasts, neck, thighs and legs were affected. Q’Londa was hospitalised for four days, where she received pain medication, IV fluids and care from nurses who tended to her blistered raw skin.

The condition has not only affected Qā€™Londa physically, but also mentally and she frequently questions why she has been chosen to go through this. Whilst currently in a happy relationship with boyfriend Ashton (28), Qā€™Londa admits that her condition has freaked out previous boyfriends.

People stare at Qā€™Londa whenever sheā€™s out in public after a flare up and comment, ā€˜what is wrong with her skin?ā€™ ā€“ with one stranger telling her nobody would ever love her because of how she looks.

Q’Londa enjoying a day at the fair. MDWFeatures / Q’Londa Harden

ā€œThis has been the most painful and embarrassing experience ever. It’s getting worse every time I have a reaction,ā€ Q’Londa said.

ā€œIā€™m stuck in a cycle of trying to avoid my triggers to keep my skin on my body. It has been a few years since Iā€™ve had a really bad reaction but the latest one has been really hard on me.

ā€œI know a reaction is happening because it feels as if someone has set my body on fire. There is a constant feeling of burning and stretching.

Q’Londa in hospital with horrendously damaged skin around her eyes and lips. MDWFeatures / Q’Londa Harden

ā€œMy eyes, lips, ears and vagina swell up. My body becomes covered in blisters, the blisters pop, my skin then peels off.

ā€œPeople tell me that God made me this way which is absolutely true, but no one likes to walk in public and look like this. Letā€™s be real.

ā€œThereā€™s no cure and because my triggers are hormone induced thereā€™s not much I can do about it. Iā€™m a woman and we all have hormones in our bodies.

Giving a thumbs up to the camera from her hospital bed. MDWFeatures / Q’Londa Harden

ā€œI just want to tell people; when you see someone who looks like me, you clearly donā€™t know what theyā€™re going through.

ā€œIt’s already hard enough for me to get dressed and walk out of the door to the grocery store without people staring at me like Iā€™m a frickinā€™ zombie.

ā€œPeople have said ā€˜whatā€™s wrong with herā€™, ā€˜Eww, why are you covered in scars?ā€™ and ā€˜No one is going to love you looking like this.ā€™

Q’Londa graduating as a regional nurse with her fellow students. MDWFeatures / Q’Londa Harden

ā€œAt first the comments hurt and made me sad and embarrassed. But I have to realise there is nothing I can do about it and you donā€™t know these people so who cares. You probably wonā€™t see them again anyway.

ā€œI already know I look crazy. I wake up every day and see myself in the mirror, so I donā€™t need the added comments I receive.

ā€œI need people to have more empathy and respect for other people like me.ā€

Q’Londa in hospital in June. Recovering after having a severe flare up. MDWFeatures / Q’Londa Harden

Although stuck in a cycle of trying to avoid flare ups and doing her best to recover quickly when they do happen, Qā€™Londa has tried to remain positive.

As for the future, the treatment options are limited. However, giving Qā€™Londa low doses of chemotherapy has been suggested as a potential option and she is willing to try this. This would work putting her in early menopause, keeping her from having a period and would theoretically keep her from having future reactions to her hormones.

ā€œMe sitting feeling sad and depressed about this isnā€™t going to make it go away so I choose to try and find the silver linings in this situation,” Q’Londa said.

Her flare ups are caused by her hormones. At other times her skin looks normal. MDWFeatures / Q’Londa Harden

ā€œI crack jokes and my siblings pick on me because youā€™ve got to make the best out of a bad situation.

ā€œWe joke about me being part zombie and that my skin on my face keeps re-healing and that itā€™s natureā€™s way of giving me a free face lift. Thatā€™s why I look so young.

ā€œFor it to be ten years later and nothing has changed is hard. Theyā€™re throwing the idea around of freezing my eggs and putting me on low dose chemotherapy to put me in menopause.

Q’Londa putting on. a brave face despite her condition being unbearably painful. MDWFeatures / Q’Londa Harden

ā€œThis would shut my body down and keep me from having a period and would keep me from having future reactions.

ā€œIā€™m excited to see a doctor who deals with my condition. Iā€™m excited what steps we will take next.

ā€œAt this point Iā€™m open to any and every suggestion because I would not wish this upon my worst enemy.

ā€œThe positive comments I receive make me feel happy and loved. They make me feel like Iā€™m just like everyone else.ā€