INCREDIBLE images have revealed a stunning ski resort that is made almost entirely of repurposed shipping containers. Quadrum Ski and Yoga Resort /

If you’re a beginner or have not been out for a long time, it can be confusing to think about what to wear in your next skiing or snowboarding adventure. Thanks to the advances in technology, there is a wide variety of winter clothing from reputable places like Trojanwss to protect and keep you warm without compromising your style.


Snowboarding Clothing Tips

Dress for the climate. Find out what the weather is like in the slope that you’re planning to head to. For example, you may want to be fully covered when going to the Pacific Northwest, whereas you need clothes with more insulation in locations that are colder and drier.

Make sure to layer. It’s important that you know the layering basics of snowboarding. Wear layers that you can add if the weather gets chillier, and you can remove it when it gets warm during the day.

Synthetic and waterproof. When it comes to your Trojanwss gloves, pants, and jackets, make sure they have synthetic insulation and are waterproof. This combination prevents sweat and damp conditions from compromising warmth. In dry conditions, you can choose clothing that has less insulation or merely water-resistant. Also, you must get Snowboard Bindings with you.

Opt for hand warmers. When you remove hand warmers from their sealed pouch, they are chemically activated. Even if the gloves get cold and wet, the hand warmer packets offer heat.

Consider Recco reflectors. It’s a safety feature that is typically found on snowboarding pants, jackets, and helmets. If you have this feature in your gear, a ski patroller can locate you quickly in case of an avalanche, if they are also using a Recco detector. There are more than 800 ski resorts in the world that are equipped with Recco.

Bring sunscreen. There is no need to look like a racoon when you’re on the slopes. Apply sunscreen on the exposed area of your skin, including your ears, nose, and undersides of the chin. The glare of the snow intensifies skin damage and sunburn, as it reflects the sun. In higher altitudes, sunlight is also more intense.


What to Look for In Your Clothing

There are 3-in-1 jackets that allow you to detach its exterior shell from the insulating layer inside. On mild days, you can remove the inner piece, while on days where the skies are blue, you can remove the outer shell, particularly if your inner jacket is resistant to the wind. When it comes to pants, there are bib styles available, in which they have suspenders and high in front.

Wearing them helps prevent snow from getting inside. Compared to standard pants, they are also warmer. If you’re not into wearing full-on bibs, you can purchase bibs and suspenders separately.

You also need to wear long underwear to keep you warm and wick sweat off. Do not choose cotton; instead, go for synthetic, silk, or wool. Depending on the temperature, you may choose either lightweight or midweight. You may wear a wool top or light fleece over your long underwear while in the lodge or the car. You may wear it underneath your jacket for extra warmth on the slopes.

When buying your clothing from brands like Trojanwss, use some sense for this investment. Paying a few extra amounts for a top of the line gear is all worth it, especially if you have a season pass. However, you do not have to splurge if you do not go snowboarding as much. You may also rent some gear and invest in your gear later on.