By Aimee Braniff Cree


MEET THE WOMAN lost six-and-a-half stone in just ten months by living exclusively on calorie deficit meal-prepping as cheap at one pound each with NO training in the gym whatsoever.

Charlotte Deniz (37) an administrator from Blackpool UK had struggled with her weight all her life and after every fad diet she tried had failed her, she finally found the answer in meal prepping alongside a calorie deficit calculator.

Meal prepping is pre preparing meals in advance. It is kind of like batch cooking, but for various meals rather than just the one.

A calorie deficit is any shortage in the number of calories consumed relative to the number of calories needed for maintenance of current body weight.

So where Charlotte knows she is currently 10 stone 2lbs she would need 2,000 calories to maintain that diet, so if she creates a meal plan of 1,777 calories then she can expect to lose one pound in per week.

At present for Charlotte’s meal preps she ensures a balance of everything, she will pick different carb sources for example potato for one meal, rice for another meal, then maybe pasta for the third adding up to 2,000 calories per-day from a total of three meals per-day and 550 to 600 grams of food for a typical evening dinner.

She will then do the same for protein or meat, for example chicken for one meal, salmon for another, then maybe beef, or even a vegetable option like chickpeas.

Then she adds good fats and vegetables, again picking variety so the meals are different, this keeps it enjoyable and not repetitive eating the same thing everyday which a lot of people seem to think that’s what meal prepping means.

Charlotte stopped weighing herself when the scales read 16 stone 7lbs, she knew she needed to make a change in her life when she could not force herself out the door to her work Christmas party because she was so ashamed and uncomfortable in her outfit.

Since that day she lost over six stone in just 10 months, she is now 10 stone 2lbs and is a confident and happier person, Charlotte went from a size 18-20 to a healthy size 8-10, she has maintained her weight loss for five years by meal-prepping.

Charlotte believes in a calorie deficit and the secret to her sustained weight loss is meal prepping, it is also an excellent way to save money.

“I lost all my weight never stepping foot inside a gym. I lost it purely through calorie deficit alone and meal prepping to keep me on track and focused,” said Charlotte.

“Meal prepping helps keep you focused and on track. It aids with portion control and building healthier habits.

“I found having my meals all calorie counted and pre-prepared helped keep me focused and gain some control over my eating habits, as I knew exactly what was in them, and it helped me learn to cook better.

“I have slashed my weekly or monthly food shopping bills in half if not more by meal prepping, and I spend a lot less on takeaways by making my own healthier fakeaway versions.

“It helps minimise food wastage, as being more organised means, you only buy what’s needed, rather than filling your shopping trolley with eye catching goodies or products that you would normally impulse buy, but just go to waste.

“Meal prepping helps with portion control so this also means you can make your ingredients spread further, creating more meals for less money, which with how the cost of living is at the moment, I feel could benefit everyone not just those looking to lose weight.

“I did no exercise bar the average day-to-day walking around. I did however decide to join a gym after losing weight, but only when I felt a bit more confident too, and that was more to tone up and just be overall healthier.”

“My advice if you want to lose weight is start today. Making that decision is the hardest part. don’t wait any longer or you could miss out on enjoying life and all the wonderful possibilities because your weight is holding you back.

“First step is to calculate your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) to find your own calorie deficit tailored to you, don’t just guess. Then make a realistic plan that you can stick to.

“To calculate your TDEE I would recommend using an online calculator, they are free to use and tailor your calories to you personally as it takes into account age, height, weight, and activity levels.

“It gives you your maintenance calories, to stay as you are, then a good, healthy and realistic deficit is 500 calories less.

“So for example my calorie requirement for when I was 16st 7lbs was 2,182 calories to maintain that weight. So to lose weight I created a deficit of 500 calories taking me to 1,681 calories per-day to lose a steady and realistic one or two pounds per week.

“I now have around 2,000 calories per-day to maintain my weight as I am a lot more active than I was.

“Working out three days-a-week so the more active you are the more calories you will need.

“Don’t cut things out or restrict yourself. This is where I found meal prepping a total life saver. As I was able to prepare my daily meals in advance to fit my daily calories and not get tempted by higher calorie options such as takeaways through convenience after a busy day.

“Before meal prepping my diet was pretty terrible, breakfast: nothing, lunch: nothing, dinner was takeaway, or microwave meal, I would snacks on crisps, chocolate, sugary drinks and so no exercise at all

“Now thanks to meal prepping it is much better. For breakfast my favourite is chocolate baked oat muffins, lunch usually a pizza pasta salad for dinner I love hoisin glazed beef and noodles.

“I still snack just now I would pick up low calorie crisps, opt for greek yogurt and berries, protein pudding or fruit as a sweet fix. I also go to the gym three days-a-week now.”

Charlotte provides an invaluable insight into how her favourite meal prep saves her calories and cash.

“For my weekly meal preps I usually aim for 500 calories or less per meal to ensure a good even balance throughout the day. Then add to this with snacks,” she said.

“I can make say three meal portions of something for less than one pound per-meal, by shopping savvy, and being creative with ingredients to still enjoy tasty filling meals but for a lot less cost.

“One of my favourite meal preps is a good curry as these are so flavoursome even days after preparing, and you can straight away save yourself a good £4 or so by substituting your usual beef or chicken at £5, for tinned chickpeas or butter beans at only 59p per tin for example, in just one meal.

“I also like to scour the discounted meat sections for reductions due to nearing their sell by dates, I then simply just freeze this until I’m ready to use it, again another money saving tip.”

Charlotte has had to learn about nutrition and how to fuel her body instead, she realised she needed to make a change when she refused to attend a work Christmas party as she could not find something she felt comfortable to go out in.

“I’ve always struggled with my weight from my late teens which I feel caused me to always be quite shy and reserved as a person,” she said.

“I had a lack of understanding of nutrition, calorie contents, and the vicious binge or restrict cycle trying to overcome my lifelong struggles with my weight through desperation.

“I suffered with awful depression as a result of low confidence and self-esteem. To the point I would turn down invites to go out and socialise with my friends as I just didn’t feel good about myself.

“The turning point for me was Christmas time 2016, I refused to go to my work Christmas party as I just broke down in tears when trying to find a nice outfit to wear.

“I felt awful in all that I tried on and just couldn’t face feeling uncomfortable all night. It’s that very night I sat and realised I was leaving the house less and less through lack of confidence and embarrassment.

“I knew enough-was-enough. I’d already missed out on so many occasions and opportunities because of this, that I knew I had to stop. And I had to do something to change my ways for the better.

“I met my then partner the following January, who introduced me to calorie deficit, and the importance of eating regularly.

“He had previously also lost a big amount of weight by doing this himself, so it gave me hope that I too could give this a try for myself.

“Having already tried every other fad diet going, and eventually failing at them all, I was willing to try anything.

“It got to the point I was living off one meal a day through desperation and a last ditch attempt to finally lose some weight.”

She has been heavier than others since she was in her late teens and she feels it made her a shy and reserved person.

“But I would always shy away and be very reserved, probably out of fear to not put myself in any possible situations for trolling or bullying,” she said.

“Since I lost the weight I feel like I have my life back. It’s helped me gain confidence, believe in myself and my capabilities more, and best of all to now actually enjoy living life as I should, socialising, trying new things, going new places.

“I decided to open up and share my journey on social media to help others who face the same struggles I once did, and give them the belief that if I could do it so could they.

“I don’t think I will ever be 100% confident as that’s just not my nature, I am naturally quite a shy person.

“But I for sure feel a lot happier in myself, and I finally feel comfortable in my own skin. I have tons more energy, I get ill a lot less, and just feel healthier and happier in myself.

“With many noticeable benefits I hadn’t even thought about, like improvements in my skin, my hair, and my mental health.”

Weight loss for Charlotte was not always plain sailing, after years of low confidence it was hard to believe in herself but once she changed her mindset her results were exceptional, and everyone around her noticed.

“Believing in myself was the hardest part of the journey, and the mental mindset changes that came with it,” she said.

“It’s hard to keep motivated, stay consistent and be patient whilst working for your goals, especially in the beginning when you want it so desperately.

“As having failed so many attempts before I wasn’t even sure if this would work either initially. I just knew I had to find something enjoyable and sustainable in order to stick with it.

“I had to create a whole new lifestyle that I could do for the rest of my life.

“The first question I get asked is omg how did I do it, especially in less than a year?

“I get so many sweet compliments like that I seem so much happier in myself, I look stunning or that I’m glowing, that I actually look younger, that I come across as more confident, that it’s lovely to see me smile so much.”

Meal Plan:

Breakfast : Chocolate baked oat muffins (300 calories)

Lunch : Pizza pasta salad (550 calories)

Dinner : Hoisin glazed beef and noodles (600 calories)

Snacks : Greek yogurt and berries (310 calories)

Protein Pudding (160 calories)

Low Calorie Crisps (78 calories). Â