By Mahima Kaur
MAGNIFICENT images show three giraffes standing in perfect harmony as a stunning giraffe train.
Images show the giraffes lined up in perfect synchronisation.
The perspective of the giraffe train looks beautiful with the backdrop of a cheery blue sky.
Giraffes have what’s called a “fission-fusion” social structure.
This means that rather than staying with the same individuals all the time, they vary the individuals they hang out with from day to day.
Zhayynn James (46) captured these images at The Serengeti, Tanzania with a Nikon D5 and Nikkor 500mm f/4 lens.
“A trio of giraffes were ambling around, and when one started grazing on a bush, the other two started to follow,” said Zhayynn.
“There was a moment where they all lined up in perfect sync.
“I knew there was a chance that they might sync in their moments.
“But to watch it happen was a surprise and a complete thrill, because I knew I had captured the moment.”