By Mahima Kaur 



STUNNING shots show a daring young polar bear diving 26-feet deep into an oceanium while playing with a tube.


Images show the three-years and five-months old polar bear trying to grab a black tube under water.


Polar bears usually swim under water at depths of only about 9.8 feet to 14.8 feet and they can remain submerged for more than one minute.


Polar bears usually dive either to hunt or cool themselves off. However in this case, the brave polar bear decided to dive for the thrill of it.

The daring polar bear dived 26 feet deep into the oceanium.

These images were captured by Jessica Hogervorst (30) using Nikon D850 and a Nikon AF-S 70-200mm f/2.8 lens at the Rotterdam Zoo in Rotterdam, Netherlands.


The Oceanium is the aquarium that opened in the zoo in 2001 as the biggest project to date for the zoo and has a volume of 2,113,376.4 Gallons

“The young polar bear was playing with everything that floated in the water,” said Jessica.


“Apparently the polar bear found the black round tub the most interesting object in the water so he decided to dive there.

The curious case of the young polar bear.

“It was all the way down. He dived deep and when he reached it he started playing with it.


“There is nothing more beautiful than getting a picture of a polar bear in the water especially since polar bears can swim so well.”