The backyard has a swimming pool and two hot tubs, although they are now filled with algae. mediadrumimages/ @bigexplorez

By Martin Ruffell


SHOCKING footage from inside a once spectacular mega mansion belonging to a famous rapper has been revealed after it was left abandoned due to HURRICANE KATRINA.

Photographer and YouTuber Cater Banks (23) from Oklahoma, USA, who goes by the name BigBankz on social media, visited the stunning 11,000 sq. ft. New Orleans mansion which once belonged to rapper and record producer Bryan Williams – better known by his stage name ‘Birdman.’

The house was damaged as a result of hurricane Katrina in 2005 which killed over 1,800 people as it swept through New Orleans. As such, the house is estimated to be worth a very reasonable £740,000 due to the risk of natural disasters and flooding.

One of the five huge bedrooms in the vast mansion. mediadrumimages/ @bigexplorez

Footage from inside the pearly white mansion built in 1990, which previously belonged to NFL star Pat Swilling, shows two staircases flanking each side of the main entrance hall. The five bedroom property boasts two hot tubs, a sauna, a private cinema, an elevator, a swimming pool and a garage with room for four cars.

The enormous master bedroom contains a jacuzzi with a built in fireplace. The house has marble flooring and glass doors throughout and even contains a glass room with a private bar inside.

On the top floor of the three storey building is a purpose built studio area once used to produce and record music.

At the top of the house is a custom built studio room, previously used by rapper Birdman to produce music. mediadrumimages/ @bigexplorez

“When I first saw the mansion on the outside, I was in shock of how clean it looked and then when I went inside I was even more stunned at how pristine it was,” Carter said.

“Most places worth exploring tend to have some vandalism but this place was practically spotless.

“There were glass walls all over the house and huge ceilings. It was just like something from a music video.

In the master bedroom there is a jacuzzi with a built in fireplace. mediadrumimages/ @bigexplorez

“Inside was just incredible – there was an elevator, an indoor jacuzzi and even a movie theatre.

“There was a double staircase in the entrance hall and a space where I imagine a huge chandelier once was on the ceiling.

“Outside, there was a huge pool with a hot tub on either side – although it was covered in algae and looked like it should have been home to some alligators.

A view of the algae-filled pool from the top floor of the mansion. mediadrumimages/ @bigexplorez

“It looks like it was undergoing some pretty major renovations at the time it was abandoned as the stairs and kitchen in particular looked unfinished.”

Birdman, who married singer and actress Toni Braxton in 2016, recently sold his Florida mega mansion for over £8 million. He has hinted on social media about a possible return to his former New Orleans home.

The mansion was even featured in the music video for Birdman and Lil Wayne’s 2005 song Neck Of The Woods.

On entering the house, twin staircases can be found on either side of the enormous hall. mediadrumimages/ @bigexplorez

“I found out about the place searching online but I didn’t know where exactly it was,” Carter said.

“I drove around the area and the mansion was hard to miss.

“The amazing staircases, the marble floors, the glass walls; it was all just stuff I’d never seen in a house before.

“It just felt like I was in an episode of MTV’s Cribs.”