If you are faced with the prospect of being thousands of miles from your partner, as one of you has accepted a foreign posting, you have come to the right place, as we offer valuable info to help you keep the relationship on an even keel.
- Create a contact plan – Sit down with your other half and decide on the frequency of video calls, what apps to use for sending text and images, which social media channel to use for communication and anything else that might be important to you.
- Virtual sex – It is a private video call, so why not get your favourite dildo out and have some fun while he watches? Think of it like phone sex with video; many couples enjoy virtual sex on a regular basis; with adult toys and a little imagination, you can both explore the world of eroticism and that helps to cement the bond you both share.
- No room for jealousy – If you have a healthy and strong relationship, there would be no jealousy on either part, which is the way it should be. Sure, he will meet other women when at work and the fact that you aren’t together shouldn’t make a difference, plus, you can both get it on with Zoom and your sex toys! On the topic of sex toys, here’s a blog about taking your vibrator on holiday.
- Don’t think too much – With your man/woman so far away, it is easy to let the mind wander, yet this usually leads to stress. If you find yourself thinking about him/her, shoot them a text message, but you shouldn’t allow this to impact your day-to-day life.
- Video messages – This is a great way to tell your partner how you are feeling; record yourself as if he/she was sitting across from you. Send an email with this file as an attachment and they can do the same; one a week would be great, every 2 weeks works too. This can bridge that communication gap and keeps both of you in touch, even though the dialogue is a week apart.
- Be a shoulder to cry on – We all need someone who will listen when we have work issues and this can be done with a Zoom or Skype call. The fact that you are geographically separated means little with video calls when you can both discuss work and how things are going. If you sense your partner seems stressed, ask him/her about work and they will probably open up about what is bothering them.
Much like a regular relationship, being apart physically requires both parties to nurture the relationship and with the above information, you can overcome any obstacles that might arise. It is particularly a strain for the one who has moved abroad, as they have many issues and challenges to face, so do take that into account if you are the one at home.