This convicted criminal had an unusual penchant for Marmite. UK: mediadrumimages/@letlauraexplore_

By Alexander Greensmith


CHILLING images of an abandoned cottage with a collection of empty Marmite bottles have been revealed by one urban explorer.

Decrepit photos revealed a pyramid of tenĀ jars of the yeast extract in a messy kitchen of this once-idyllic English cottage.

Another unsettling image captured a rotting piano beneath some devil-branded graffiti reading ā€˜soulsā€™.

Laura first began urban exploring when she was a teen, and has since picked it up again in-between her spare moments of motherhood. She only started her instagram account @letlauraexplore_ in July 2020. mediadrumimages/@letlauraexplore_

This dirty cottage was snapped by stay-at-home-mum Laura (25), who chose to withheld her surname. from Lowestoft, UK. The urban explorer visited this property in Ipswich, UK with her iPhone XR.

ā€œI had mixed emotions, I was happy and excited by exploring this cottage as it had some pretty cool furniture and objects inside, but also felt very sad by the state of the place due to vandalism,ā€ said Laura.

ā€œTen years ago, the home owner of this property was arrested for harassment and put in prison for eighteen months. And he isnā€™t allowed back around the area due to a restraining order put out against him.

It is hard to believe that this old banger has only been left abandoned for ten years. mediadrumimages/@letlauraexplore_

ā€œItā€™s been empty for over a decade (from when he was arrested). The property hasnā€™t been up for sale or let since the arrest and as the owner is not allowed back to the property it sits abandoned and rotting away.

ā€œIf I am completely honest, I think this property will just sit there rotting away until it has finally collapsed if vandals donā€™t get there first. I donā€™t take or move anything from homes, but sadly seeing post after post online I see itā€™s getting more and more trashed.ā€

Figures from the Liberal Democrats in 2018 suggest that over 11,000 homes across the UK have been empty for a decade or more.