By Saloni Mathur

HILARIOUS images show a giraffe jumping so high that it almost seems like he is flying along with the birds surrounding him.

Captured in Klaserie Private Nature Reserve, South Africa, the giraffe was spotted drinking at the watering hole when it got spooked by the sudden presence of other giraffes on the site.

He got spooked so badly that he started jumping around, and the oxpeckers that had settled over him started to chase after this jumping jack.

Oxpecker birds ride on the backs of mammals, picking ticks off their backs and giving out a warning hiss when predators, including humans, venture too close.

These comical images were snapped by a 60-year-old wildlife photographer, Clint Ralph, from a distance of 164 feet.

“I was waiting at an underground hide near the watering hole since early morning for something exciting.

“I was lucky to have captured this bizarre incident. It is not easy to capture giraffes running or jumping, and images are mostly blurry.

“But these came out so well, and the spooked giraffe was so funny. Waiting at the hide for hours was worth it.”