Timeshare, in its simplest form, means joint ownership of a property with each party having exclusive rights to its use at a specific time of the year. For example, if you’ve bought the first two weeks of March in a timeshare, you will have exclusive rights to vacation in that property during that specified time period. Timeshares, since their inception, have evolved into elaborate vacation models, and are no longer as straightforward as “owning” a fixed vacation in a fixed place in a fixed time of year.
With exchange programs, floating weeks, and point systems, timeshares now allow owners a lot more flexibility and they can vacation in different resorts in different parts at a different time of the year. Timeshares can also be said to provide the “best of both worlds” as they not only offer the benefits of owning a vacation home at a cheaper cost but also provide the benefits that come with renting a hotel room.
Here are some of the benefits of timeshares that you might want to consider.
Home Away from Home
Unlike hotel rooms where you can typically only get one-bedroom, timeshares provide a lot more spacious accommodation.
Most timeshares come with a living room, dining room, kitchen, and bedroom suites which makes them ideal for families who love to vacation. While a one-bedroom hotel room could be okay for a couple or a single person, it’s incredibly limiting for families and offers them little privacy.
Unlike hotels, timeshares are located at more private locations and provide the experience of a premium luxury vacation at a prime tourist destination.
Most timeshare owners love to call their timeshare “home away from home” as it provides a lot more “home-like” vacation experience – in a good way. Having the facility of a kitchen means you don’t need to rely on take-outs and can cook yourself a nutritious, healthy wholesome meal. Moreover, a lot more living space means you’re able to truly enjoy the place and not feel like you’re being suffocated in a cramped place.
Lower Maintenance Costs than a Vacation Home
Unless you’re a Russian oligarch or an Arab oil tycoon, vacation homes are incredibly expensive for the rest of us. Most vacation homes cost a fortune, and a home that is going to stay empty for most of the year isn’t worth the money. With a timeshare, you only need to buy a limited stay in a property and don’t have to worry about breaking your bank to enjoy a luxury vacation at a prime resort.
Also, if you consider the added cost of the furniture that you have to purchase from your own pocket in case you choose to buy a vacation home, timeshares are a lot more economical option. Most timeshares come pre-furnished and all maintenance and repairs are taken care of by the company providing the resort.
So your only job is to simply set aside a few weeks in the year, and enjoy your vacation without the stress and high costs that come with owning a vacation home.
Timeshare Exchange
Unless you’re a boring old soul and enjoy the same old routine year after year, you might yearn for some variety and would want to explore some other parts of the world. Unlike traditional timeshare models, modern timeshares now allow owners to exchange their time in a resort in a different location. Members can sign up for an exchange program that lets them enjoy exclusive luxury vacations in some of the most desirable holiday destinations. So if you own a timeshare in Miami, it’s possible for you to exchange it for a holiday in Barcelona.
Instead of looking forward to the same place every year, the versatility offered by exchange programs is an exciting benefit of timeshares over traditional vacation homes.
Luxury Amenities
Timeshares can come with luxury amenities that are sometimes lacking even in an upmarket hotel room. Some of them can feature private swimming pools, tennis courts, hot tubs, fireplaces, exercise facilities, spa services, home-theatres, and even basketball courts.
It’s also possible for a timeshare to come with a private beach or lakefront view which can provide owners a more relaxed, lavish experience. Unlike traditional vacation homes where facilities are normally limited by what you can afford at a time, timeshares allow owners to enjoy luxury amenities at a cheaper cost.
Since timeshares include kitchen, washing and drying facilities, multiple televisions, and dining areas, this makes them ideal vacation spots. You can unwind and relax in the privacy of your timeshare which isn’t possible in a hotel room which is normally just a place to sleep. You also don’t need to leave the property to get your meal or wash your clothes. Everything is available for you under one roof.
Timeshare Rentals
If you’re not able to avail your timeshare, you might want to consider timeshare rental. As mentioned by the professionals behind this site, renting your timeshare allows you to earn some extra income without having to resell it. This can also help you pay your annual timeshare fee, so you don’t lose money if you’re not able to vacation that year.
Timeshare renting can also be more profitable than reselling your timeshare. Reselling a timeshare can come with a list of complications that can be best avoided by giving your timeshare on rent.
Guaranteed Vacation
Overworking is, unfortunately, a pandemic in the modern world, and is often glorified despite the many health hazards associated. When you don’t take time off from work to unwind, it can wreak havoc on your body and make you more prone to stroke and cardiovascular diseases. Taking time off for yourself and going on a vacation isn’t just a luxury. It’s incredibly beneficial for your health, and can improve productivity in the long run. Owning a timeshare allows you a guaranteed vacation each year without having to worry about the availability of a hotel room because it’s already been pre-booked for you. Also, if you’re investing in a timeshare, it makes you more motivated to avail your annual leave and make the best use of it.
Timeshares are an investment in your lifestyle and promise a hassle-free vacation each year. With a commitment to taking more regular vacations, you stay happier and more productive.
Timeshares can be an excellent lifestyle investment and can help you enjoy luxury travel at a more affordable price in some of the best resort locations around the world.