ASIA: Osaka Castle, Osaka, Japan. Mediadrumimages / Lee Mumford

By Alex Jones


THE AMAZING architecture of some of Asiaā€™s most impressive metropolises have been captured by a high-flying British photographer.

Stunning shots include a birdā€™s eye view of the ā€œorganised chaosā€ of Hong Kong; the mystique and wonder of an ancient Japanese castle; and the awe-inspiring state-of-the-art superstructures in Singapore.

The remarkable shots were snapped by Lee Mumford, 32, a British pilot who now resides in Hong Kong.

ASIA: Supertrees, Singapore. Mediadrumimages / Lee Mumford

Combining his mutual loves of photography, travel, and aviation, Lee has travelled across the worldā€™s largest continent snapping his favourite constructions ā€“ often using his flying skills to pilot a drone.

ā€œIā€™ve always had a love for travel and once I fulfilled my dream of becoming an airline pilot, this gave me numerous opportunities to see some of the most incredible sights this planet has to offer,ā€ said Lee, whose father was a pilot too.

ASIA: Richland Gardens, Hong Kong. Mediadrumimages / Lee Mumford

ā€œIt was then when I started to take pictures, in order to bring back some of these incredible memories. My images started as purely holiday snaps until I started to invest more time into the technical side of how to take successful images. This involved a lot of YouTube videos and online reading. Eventually once I built up this knowledge, I started to experiment with different genres and created my own style.

ā€œAsia has some of the most stunning architecture Iā€™ve ever seen. Living in one of the most densely populated cities on the planet unlocks endless picture opportunities. As I travelled to new and exciting places throughout Asia, Iā€™ve focused on the architectural theme, seeking and documenting the unique angles everywhere I go.ā€

Photography has always played an important role in Leeā€™s life and he enjoys using his camera to open peopleā€™s eyes to other cultures.

ASIA: Macau. Mediadrumimages / Lee Mumford

ā€œI spent the early years of my life in the UK before moving to Hong Kong at the age of 6,ā€ continued Lee, who is currently planning a photography trip to Jordan.

ā€œLiving in Asia introduced me to different cultures from a very early age and subconsciously planted that travel bug.

ASIA: Hakka Homes, Fujian Tulou, China. Mediadrumimages / Lee Mumford

ā€œAs a kid, I always loved technology and once I found my parents old film SLR, I couldnā€™t put it down. My school offered Photography as an A-level, so I jumped at the chance of learning more about the subject. I used the same old film SLR for the full 2 years, learning how to develop your own roll of film and processing pictures in the dark room ā€“ a skill that seems to be lost these days with the rise of digital. Once I started working, I never found the time to photograph until my recent career change into aviation.

ASIA: Hōkanji Temple, Kyoto, Japan. Mediadrumimages / Lee Mumford

ā€œI love showing off the beauty of these buildings, which most people would probably walk past without even looking at. Buildings are everywhere and no matter where Iā€™m flying too, there are always endless opportunities to capture something unique. I really like to portray how densely populated Hong Kong is and the living conditions some people have to put up with. Being from the UK, it was a huge cultural shock moving to such a cramped city where living in shoebox apartments right on top of neighbours is a common occurrence. ā€œ