On the left is Athina before, and on the right is Athina now. Athina Crilley / mediadrumworld.com

By Alyce Collins


A STUDENT who struggled with anorexia since she was TWELVE saw her weight drop to FIVE-AND-A-HALF-STONE, until being a university fresher saved her life.


Student Athina Crilley (22) from Blackpool, UK, went down a negative spiral when at the age of 12-years-old she began wanting to lose weight and look thinner, which led to a painful battle with anorexia when Athinaā€™s weight dropped to just 5st 5lbs.

Athina now loves her body and has built her confidence since going to university.
Athina Crilley / mediadrumworld.com


At the age of 12, Athina was a UK size 12 and she became more body conscious the older she got. What started as wanting to shed a little bit of weight quickly became more of an unhealthy obsession for Athina.


Between the age of 13 to 19-years-old, Athina had to be hospitalised a total of five times, with her last two hospitalisations, aged 18 and 19-years old, in Priory hospitals on specialist eating disorder units.

Athina now, as she works out four to five times a week.
Athina Crilley / mediadrumworld.com


At her lowest weight, Athina weighed just 5st 5lbs and a UK size 0 at the age of 16. However, now Athina is a much healthier 8st 1lb and a UK size 8.


Athina overcame her anorexia when she went to university because she had spent the previous six years of her life isolating herself and focusing so much of her concentration on food and calorie intake, that when she got to university she wanted to make a new name for herself and relish in the fun of freshers.

Athina before, when she was deeply struggling with anorexia, anxiety and depression.
Athina Crilley / mediadrumworld.com


ā€œI was slightly overweight as a 12-year-old, not massively overweight but I was a UK size 12 and I became more body conscious as you do around that age,ā€ said Athina.


ā€œSo, I decided I wanted to lose a bit of weight to maybe get to around a UK size 8, and that escalated very quickly into something more.

Athina on holiday in Amsterdam.
Athina Crilley / mediadrumworld.com


ā€œEvery day was a constant battle with myself. I felt guilty if I gave in and ate more than I usually allowed myself or I didnā€™t exercise for as long as usual. But I was also frustrated because I knew that this wasnā€™t how I wanted to live my life.


ā€œI became very introverted due to having little energy and I was feeling so tired and drained all of the time. This resulted in many of my ā€˜friendsā€™ not really bothering with me anymore.

Athina now, after recovering from anorexia and now loving her gym physique.
Athina Crilley / mediadrumworld.com


ā€œI found it difficult to concentrate on anything at all apart from food, which I thought about 24/7.

ā€œThese things, along with the guilt I felt every day and the worrying about food, exercise and my body, led me to being diagnosed with depression and anxiety, things that still affect me to this day.

Athina on a holiday in Paris.
Athina Crilley / mediadrumworld.com


ā€œAlongside the mental side of it, the physical side effects of rapid weight loss and malnutrition included thin hair, weak nails, dry skin, feeling extremely cold and having poor circulation. I bruised very easily and lost my periods as well.


ā€œBecause of what I put my body through for so many years, I now have irreversible osteoporosis in my hip and spine.

Athina during her battle with anorexia when she weighed just 5st 5lbs.
Athina Crilley / mediadrumworld.com


ā€œI was hospitalised five times during it all. Once at 13, once at 14, once at 16, once at 18 and once at 19. The last two visits were in specialist eating disorder units.ā€


After many hospitalisations, Athina wanted to change her life for the better and she didnā€™t want to be controlled by the eating disorder any longer.


When she went to university to study Biochemistry in 2016, the new environment encouraged Athina to change the mindset she had been stuck in since she was 12 as she wanted to be able to enjoy her new lifestyle.


ā€œI cannot express how much overcoming anorexia has changed my life. I am happier, healthier and stronger,ā€ said Athina.

Going to university saved Athina’s life when she decided she wanted to enjoy her experience over anorexia.
Athina Crilley / mediadrumworld.com

ā€œI had so many ups and downs throughout the years, but the final steps to overcome anorexia once and for all came when I had more social opportunities.


ā€œWhen I started my first year of university, I didnā€™t want to be the weird girl who stayed in and didnā€™t speak to anyone, so I forced myself to go out during freshers and include myself in events.


ā€œAs I began going out more and being more social, anorexia kind of got pushed to the side.


ā€œI got a boyfriend a few months later and having someone there for me through thick and thin really helped me to feel better about myself. I began to feel less like anorexia, food and exercise was the be all and end all.


ā€œSlowly but surely, recovery became more of a reality than a dream and without even realising, anorexia was no longer a part of my life.


ā€œPhysically, every part of my body has improved. My bones are no longer protruding, my hair is no longer thin and dry, my nails are much stronger and my body aches less.


ā€œAnorexia affects every part of the physical body and mind, so recovery has improved every aspect of my being.

Athina isolated herself and focused only on food tracking and exercise when she was struggling.
Athina Crilley / mediadrumworld.com

ā€œIā€™m now super happy with my body. I enjoy food and I allow myself to eat basically anything I want. My life is so much less restricted now and it feels amazing.


ā€œThe most difficult part of recovery was trying to change my obsessive thoughts about calorie counting, food tracking and obsessive exercise. People around me always say how proud they are of me to have overcome such a terrible illness, and that Iā€™m so strong for it.ā€


Since recovering, Athina has found her passion for weight training, which she now does four to five times a week, allowing her to gain healthy weight and become stronger.


Athina has shared her inspiring recovery on Instagram in the hopes of inspiring other people who want to recover who might not think itā€™s possible.


ā€œMy first question to anyone suffering who asks me how I got better is to say ā€˜where do you see yourself in five years?ā€™. Most people wonā€™t include anorexia in their future, so I say, ā€˜if anorexia isnā€™t part of your future, what are you going to do to ensure that?ā€™ā€ said Athina.


ā€œItā€™s important to start making changes, small or large, or you will be stuck in this anorexia cycle forever. Only you can change your thought process and overcome the awful illness to come out of the other side so much stronger.ā€

Athina changed her mindset when she went to university and wanted to enjoy freshers.
Athina Crilley / mediadrumworld.com


To find out more about Athinaā€™s recovery journey, check out her Instagram page @athinaafit.