A side by side of Mark and Beckham's faces showing the remarkable lookalike. Mark Woodward / mediadrumworld.com

By Alyce Collins



THIS golfer is a complete doppelganger of another famed sportsman as his unshaven look paired with that familiar sense of style has people requesting a selfie with who they believe is DAVID BECKHAM.


P.G.A golf professional, Mark Woodward from Worcester, UK, shows a remarkable resemblance to famed football hero, David Beckham, even growing out his hair to match Beckham’s renowned long hairdo.

Mark flaunts his uncanny resemblance.
Mark Woodward / mediadrumworld.com


Mark, who lives with his wife, Louise, and their two children, daughter Mya (9) and son Leo (5) received numerous comments about his likeness to David Beckham, leading him to start posting pictures on Instagram to see what the reaction was.


Much alike his doppelganger counterpart, Mark is a talented sportsman, wanting to be a professional footballer as a child before finding his love for golf.

Mark admits he had to up his style to match Beckham’s suave style.
Mark Woodward / mediadrumworld.com


“A number of people recently said why don’t you put some photos on Instagram and see if the feedback is positive,” said Mark.


“I never had a beard before and one day I decided to grow one, then when I went back to work they all told me I looked like Beckham. This was a huge compliment, so I kept the beard.

Mark grew longer hair to resemble the longer blonde locks Beckham once sported.
Mark Woodward / mediadrumworld.com


“I don’t spend too much time trying to look like him, but I do have to get my hair cut more regularly and I sometimes wear temporary tattoos which can be a challenge.


“When I meet people for the first time, they tell me I really do look like Beckham – I’ve been called a lot worse.

Mark grew a beard and was told of his resemblance to the football great.
Mark Woodward / mediadrumworld.com


“It’s always strange when they ask for a selfie, but it’s a huge compliment. I do get people coming over for a random chat, which is nice.


“When I went for a run and I stopped at the traffic lights, someone shouted out of their car ‘are you lost Becks?’. I’ve had a few selfies on the train to London and on the platform.

Mark too is very sporty.
Mark Woodward / mediadrumworld.com


“Someone once got out a selfie stick and invited their fifteen or so friends to join the picture.”


Mark is always very flattered when people comment on the remarkable similarity he shares with the former England number seven. Mark, also a Manchester United fan, admitted that for both men their family is their biggest priority as being a father is such a pivotal role for them both.

Mark is a professional golfer.
Mark Woodward / mediadrumworld.com


“His family is his first priority, as is mine and for someone in the public eye he seems a really nice guy,” added Mark.


“To be told I look like David Beckham is such a compliment and I’m very grateful because I can think of worse people to look like.

Mark and Beckham both sport flat caps.
Mark Woodward / mediadrumworld.com


“My life hasn’t changed, I’m still involved in golf but I’m looking forward to an exciting future and seeing where this journey takes me.”


You can see more of Mark’s uncanny Beckham resemblance on his Instagram, @davidbeckhamlookalike

Mark too is a Manchester United fan.
Mark Woodward / mediadrumworld.com

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