By Rebecca Drew
MEET the hunky bodybuilding male nurse who is setting hearts aflutter with his muscular physique and smooth bedside manner.
Josh Moore (22) from Richlands, Virginia, USA, shares his fitness regime on his Instagram page and says that staying in shape means that he is the best example for his patients. He works out seven times a week, training weights five times and cardio and HIIT once a week.

Having grown up in the Appalachia, one of the poorest region’s in the USA, Josh says that this drove him to do something with his life and keep healthy. His younger patients inspire him every day to appreciate life.
“I am a new graduate nurse, so I am in my first year of being a professional. I decided I wanted to become a nurse my senior year of high school. I originally wanted to become involved with the nurse anaesthesia team, primarily for the money,”
“When I attended nursing school, however, I discovered a passion for patient care I never thought I would have. Specifically, I love working with children and haematology and oncology patients.

“The best thing about my job is working with children who have cancer who, despite their condition, are vibrant and full of life. It has put my life into perspective and has taught me not to complain about the small things.
“Yeah, I may be tired and my feet may hurt after a long shift, but I am not seven years old in the hospital receiving chemotherapy every day. The way they still want to play and have fun not only amazes me, but inspires me to have that same child-like approach to life.”
In the last 12-months Josh has taken part in his first bodybuilding competition and says that he’s a different person at work compared to the gym. His favourite exercise is the deadlift and he can lift 350lbs.

“I think working out keeps me honest as a nurse. Nurses are supposed to be the epitome of health and wellness, but far too often they are seen as something other,” added Josh.
“From my perspective, I would not take the dietary advice from a dietician seriously if that dietician was obese. I don’t smoke, but if I did, I would not take smoking cessation advice from a nurse who smells like a cigarette.
“I believe it is my job to role model for my patients what health looks like. If I am educating my patient on how to exercise and eat properly, I need to be following my own advice.

“In my pictures, I think you can see a stark contrast between nurse Josh and fit guy Josh. When I am in the hospital, I am professional. I am a comforter and a healer. I wear my uniform. I go to hospital-related events in a suit and tie.
“But when I am not in the hospital, I am a very different person. I am a competitor. I am intense. I am there to change my body and my health. I see two very different sides of the same coin, and that works for me and my life.
“I want to convey the message that hard work, dedication, and a passion for whatever you are doing cannot and will not go unnoticed. Patience in anything you do is key.”
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