By Aimee Braniff Cree

THE MYSTERY of an abandoned history house filled with photographs of Adolf Hitler have been revealed by an explorer who could not believe the treasure trove he had stumbled upon.

Images show the abandoned home filled with family photos, war medals, images of the Queen, vintage money, old maps, a statue of a saint, Roman coins what looks like a pre-plumbing toilet – and surprisingly a briefcase filled with real black and white photographs taken of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler during the Nuremberg Rallies of the 1930ā€™s.

It is believed the previous home owner was not themselves a Nazi, but a lady who enjoyed collecting historical memorabilia as shown by the old navy military uniform on display, commemorative ties from the 1988 World Cup, a grandfather clock and even an old graffitied school desk.

These images were captured by urban explorer DaneilĀ SimsĀ (34) known online as Bearded Reality from Huddersfield, England.

The bedroom filled with books

DanielĀ captured the images in Wrexham, Wales on his Samsung Galaxy s21 Ultra.

ā€œI know very little about the previous owner apart from that she was a lady who was deep into collecting older historical items,ā€ saidĀ Daniel

ā€œIĀ didn’t really know what to expect when I visited this place. The house itself is very rural and surrounded by sheep but as we entered and started discovering the crazy things that were left here we were truly blown away.

ā€œThe outside of the property was very overgrown as nature was taking the land and house back; however, the inside was surprisingly neat and filled with everything left behind.

ā€œThe main thing with this place was a trunk I found which contained real photos of Hitler from many different points such as the Nuremberg rallies and when he was giving speeches.

ā€œAs well as other photos of Hitler with various high-ranking nazis of the time.

ā€œPersonally, I have found some amazing historical items in my time exploring but this has to be one of the most amazing and shocking for me. We also found various news clippings and pictures of various battleships and engine rooms which was pretty cool.

ā€œOther interesting items were handwritten scripts from shows and various play leaflets. We found a really old map from 1879 144 years old which seems to have been passed down which was super cool.

A rams skull

ā€œNotable items I found were some ancient Roman coins which were very surprising next to a war medal and some very old pictures.

ā€œI also noticed a lot of older bone-handled items such as walking sticks and bone-handled cutlery which I don’t usually see.

ā€œThe person was definitely religious with many old massive bibles, crosses, and even a statue of a saint.

ā€œAlong with the war medal, there was a military uniform that was laid out which I assume was navy related.

ā€œI also noticed a Ram skull called Rocky from 1877 which was very cool.

ā€œThere was a gorgeous grandfather clock and so many books everywhere.

The living room covered in clutter

ā€œI love capturing things that people don’t generally see the different odd and amazing things

ā€œThe rust decay and everything being overcome with nature is quite exciting to document and capture.

ā€œI love seeing the older items and vintage items from the 1930s and 1940s as you don’t really see these things anymore and older brands.ā€