By Molly Pennington


STUNNING IMAGES capture the hidden secrets of Britain’s night sky.


One of the photographs, taken on the 25th of February, shows The Whirlpool Galaxy, also known as Messier 51a, in all its glorious detail. The Andromeda and Pelican Nebula can be seen in the other photographs.

These illuminating images were captured by Jake Lancaster (28) in Galloway and Morpeth.

“Initially I was taking photos of landscapes, but soon found an interest in nightscape astrophotography,” Jake said.


“My family house at the time was 20 miles from the nearest country town in rural Australia, but it was really here that I honed my astrophotography skills.

“My favourite image is usually my latest, mainly because it’s composed of newest software, hardware, image processing techniques, and knowledge I’ve learned from creating my last image.

Dark Shark Nebula.

“Right now it’s my image of the Whirlpool Galaxy with my new RC-style telescope.”