By Liana Jacob


THIS WOMAN has spent almost £15K on plastic surgery to achieve a FAKE LOOK and plans to have even more procedures despite her boyfriend encouraging her STOP because other men go ‘CRAZY’ over her.

Salon manager and aspiring singer, Serena Smith (21) from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, had always thought that she looked too plain and dreamed about emulating celebrities like Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Pamela Anderson and Anna Nicole Smith.

In December 2016, she decided to get a boob job that increased her bra size from 32A to 32DD and it cost her over £6,500 (11,000 CAD). She felt she still didn’t have the look she wanted so she continued to alter her appearance with lip fillers and Botox.

Serena pictured on her bed. MDWfeatures / Serena Smith

In April 2018, she began dating bodybuilder, Tyler (29), who loved her look the way it was and encouraged her to stop having more fillers, but Serena continued to get lip fillers and Botox and plans on having another boob job and has spent over £14,800 (25,000 CAD) altogether. She insists that her desire for a fake look is the same as Tyler wanting bigger muscles as a bodybuilder.

Her look has attracted a lot of positive attention from men who have asked her out on dates which has made her boyfriend jealous.

“Since my very earliest thoughts I can remember being very aware of looks and beauty. From a young age, I began a fascination with plastic surgery from watching different documentaries and reality shows on the subject,” Serena said.

“Growing up, I idolised the iconic Barbie doll and also many beautiful blonde celebrities like Jayne Mansfield, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton and Pamela Anderson. My desire to look like these women was overtaking my life, it was like a constant obsession of beauty.

Serena pictured showing off her body after her boob job and lip fillers with purple hair. MDWfeatures / Serena Smith

“The idea and dream of being able to have a similar look is what first attracted me to cosmetic procedures.

“Before having any enhancements, I truly did not feel like myself; just a very bland and basic person blending in with the others – of course I had a natural beauty, but it was too simple for my taste.

“My first procedure was breast augmentation at the age of eighteen; I went from an A-cup to double-D breasts.

“I remember coming off the anaesthesia fresh out of the operation and the first thing I said was ‘they are not big enough’.

“That is how I live every day; always thinking about what can be bigger and what can be better, how can I elevate this aspect of my life and take it to the next level.

Serena’s lips before and after she got lip fillers. MDWfeatures / Serena Smith

“Shortly after that I decided to try out lip fillers as my lips have always been somewhat full and a very nice shape, but it was just too natural for me. I thrive to have an exaggerated extreme look.

“Men go crazy over the way I look, when I’m all done up with my hair and makeup and of course my enhancements draw a lot of attention and stares.

“Whenever I go out, I always see men ignore their wives and children and stare at me because I guess maybe they wish they could be with me instead.

“Whenever I leave the house even if I’m not wearing any makeup (which is very rare) men will still approach me and try and have conversations with me everyone is always trying to pass on their telephone number to me – it is hilarious.”

Serena says that her boyfriend does get jealous of the attention she receives and has tried to persuade her to stop changing her look as she looks beautiful the way she is naturally.

The aspiring singer is currently working on an album which is a follow-up to her single ‘On Fire’ which she released last year.

Serena pictured with her boyfriend, Tyler. MDWfeatures / Serena Smith

“I do have a boyfriend and he does get jealous sometimes when other men get excited by me but that is just the reality when you are with someone like me who gets a lot of attention,” she said.

“My boyfriend tells me to stop with the fillers especially the lips and that I am already beautiful, but I just can’t do that; like I said the extreme look is what I desire, an over exaggerated emphasis on glamorous beauty.

“I’m sure he won’t mind once I have larger breasts though which is one of the future surgeries, I am planning on having.

“He is a bodybuilder, so I think me obsessing about my face is just the same as him obsessing about his muscles that’s what I tell him when he tells me not to have any other procedures.

Serena’s boyfriend giving her a kiss on the cheek. MDWfeatures / Serena Smith

“I’d also like to have a rhinoplasty too achieve a cute barbie nose, an eyebrow lift, my chin bones shaved down and reshaped, a hairline reshaping surgery and also butt and hip implants for a curvier look; I have big things planned. This really is just the beginning for me.

“I think beauty is confidence; it is something you can create for yourself however you would like to and in whatever unique way you desire.

“When you walk out into the world every day you need to be happy and confident with the way you look – it really is a big thing that can change your life once you are secure with yourself.”