By Mark McConville


MEET the stunning pilot whose behind the scenes shots of her job and adventurous lifestyle have made her an Instagram star.


First officer Sara Johansson (33), BorƄs, Sweden has amassed more than 22k followers on the social media site thanks to her incredible images.

Flight deck.
Sara Johansson /


Striking shots show the beauty queen in her uniform at work in the cockpit or chilling on a plane wing while others show Sara on her days off exploring the exotic locations she gets to fly to.


Sara has worked as a commercial pilot for two andĀ a half years, flying both passengers and cargo on a Boeing 737 but is now flying Corporate on a Falcon 7X.

Flight deck.
Sara Johansson /


ā€œI get a lot of messages from all over the world on Instagram,ā€ she said.


ā€œItā€™s a very unique way of connecting with people. Iā€™ve gotten several new close friends thanks to Instagram. Sometimes people come up to me asking if Iā€™m Sara. That always makes me blush with a huge smile on face.

Flight deck.
Sara Johansson /


ā€œI love flying. That is a feeling I canā€™t even begin to explain.Ā  I love to learn and I love to evolve. In this occupation you never stop learning; you have a huge responsibility as a pilot and need to have great knowledge in so many areas.


ā€œIt is the best feeling in the world. Iā€™m the happiest when Iā€™m flying. Iā€™ve done a lot of challenging flying in Africa, when you have to fly and land the aircraft without any navaids. Basic flying in a 60 ton jet; doesnā€™t get any better than that.ā€

Sara Johansson /


Remarkably Sara used to be afraid of flying before she became a pilot. She worked as a hairdresser before finding her true calling and explained the challenges she has faced simply due to her gender.


ā€œI was extremely afraid of flying growing up,ā€ she recalled.

At the Brighton beach.
Sara Johansson /


ā€œThen when I was 16 I had the opportunity to sit in the cockpit. I was completely amazed by it but at the time I was in school to become a hairdresser. Then I started a hair salon and the years went by. Finally I felt that my true nature is to be a pilot. So I googled the possibilities and found a pilot school nearby.


ā€œIā€™ve been tested extra hard compared to my other co-workers at a few occasions. One simulator examiner I had wanted to fail me at every cost. He gave me so many failures that I ended up landing the aircraft with basically nothing working. But I managed and he couldnā€™t fail me.

Changing a tyre.
Sara Johansson /


ā€œIā€™m working hard to be the best professional I can be. I try not to let anyone put me down. I know that Iā€™m a good pilot and I want to learn even more from all the experienced captains Iā€™m flying with. Gender doesnā€™t fly the aircraft. People do.ā€


Sara hopes her Instagram and story show that itā€™s never too late to pursue your dreams, after her late career switch.

In the cockpit.
Sara Johansson /


ā€œNever ever give up,ā€ she said.


ā€œHard work pays off. There are no shortcuts to anything in life, but if you keep fighting for it, there is a bigger chance for it to happen.ā€


Sara Johansson /


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