Second atomic bombing of Nagasaki, Japan (Aug 1945). Public domain /

By Liana Jacob

FASCINATING vintage photographs illustrate the quaint culture and history of the Land of the Rising Sun Japan and the aftermath of the Hiroshima nuclear disaster during the early twentieth century.

The astounding photographs show the traditional clothes men and women wore in the early 20th century and late 19th century.

Japanese wrestlers. Public domain /

Other stereographs include a special appearance of Queen Victoria’s great-grandson, King Edward VIII before his reign (as Prince of Wales) in 1922.

In addition to the British royal family member, the pictures depict Japan’s mourning of Emperor Meji, who was buried in Tokyo on September 13, 1912.

Funeral, Japanese Emperor (Sept 1912). Public domain /

The intricate detail of the traditional Japanese teagarden from 1906 while in black and white, illustrates the colourful culture of the Asian country.

Further pictures include the rougher sport of wrestling in Japan and the aftermath of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombings during the final stage of World War Two in 1945.

Japanese girls (1920). Public domain /

This year on August 6 and 9 mark the 72nd anniversaries of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombings.

The bombs were dropped on these cities by the United States with the consent of the United Kingdom as outlined in the Quebec Agreement.

Prince Wales in Japan (20th century). Public domain /

Japan’s capital, Tokyo, has an estimated population of 9.1 million people and with a collective population of 127 million, Japan is considered the eleventh largest country in the world.

The country’s name means ‘sun origin’ which led to its famous nickname ‘Land of the Rising Sun’.

View of Tokyo, Japan (1890-1923). Public domain /