By Aimee Braniff Cree
CHARMING IMAGES of a flamingo appearing to run on water have been captured.
The images show a graceful flamingo darting along the water’s surface at Doñana National Park, Spain, in a perfect millisecond capture.

Photographer Alexandra Surkova (38) from Madrid, Spain snapped the pictures on her Sony A1 + Sony 600mm F.4.
“That morning, I was photographing flamingos at Doñana National Park which is a crucial habitat for many migratory birds,” said Alexandra.
“This standout moment happened when the flamingo suddenly broke away from the flock and sprinted across the water.
“I seized the opportunity to capture a series of playful shots.
“I was thrilled! Capturing such a spontaneous moment is challenging since flamingos usually stay close together.
“For a wildlife photographer, moments like these are what we live for.
“Timing is crucial, and capturing a standout shot is immensely satisfying.
“My favourite is the one where the flamingo appears to be running a marathon on the water, wings fully spread but not yet flying.

“It strikes a perfect balance between drama and humour.
“Flamingos need to run on water, while they build up speed for take-off or to decelerate before landing.
“Their size and the ratio of their weight to wing length necessitate a makeshift runway for these actions.
“The magic of wildlife photography lies in its unpredictability. Each shot is unique and fleeting, telling a story dictated by nature itself.
“These moments, captured through skill, patience, and a touch of luck, are what make this craft so fulfilling.
“Flamingos are inherently dramatic.
“They are tall, striking, and cloaked in vibrant pink.
“They add a touch of elegance and whimsy to any frame, making them perfect subjects for photography.
“Plus, they’re like the divas of the avian world—always ready for their close-up!”