By Chloe Shakesby
THIS ONLYFANS star has shared what it is like to have TWO VAGINAS where she uses one for work and the other for personal sex – and how she is now on her second pregnancy after not knowing if she could ever have children.
OnlyFans content creator Evelyn Miller (31) from Queensland, Australia, was born with two uteruses, two vaginas and two WOMBS – but didn’t find out until she was 20 years old.
Having begun her sex work after a relationship breakdown, Evelyn kept one vagina for use in her work, and one for her personal life.
“I worked as an independent escort for about seven years travelling around the world,” she said.
“I was able to use one vagina for work and one vagina for my personal life, which made the work a lot easier emotionally and physically for me.
“After I quit this, I started OnlyFans, filming adult content with both vaginas – and it’s been very, very successful.”
So successful in fact, that Evelyn earns $75,000 (£54,829) per MONTH on OnlyFans.

But along with the benefits, there are plenty of unusual things that Evelyn has to think about due to having two vaginas – putting two tampons in when she is on her period, having both vaginas tested for STDs when she visits the gynaecologist – and even where her partner can ejaculate while they are having sex.
“My doctor has told us to choose only one side to ejaculate in,” she said.
“Theoretically, I could carry two babies at once if I wanted – but it would be hard for my body, so we have had to be careful in that sense.
“Sex in each vagina feels very, very different I prefer one side but it depends on the position and shape of the guy as to which one I choose to have sex in.
“Having two vaginas has made my sex life a lot of fun – we can have sex in one side and use a toy in another, and there are all sorts of positions and things I can try.
“They both feel very different to me so I’ve been finding out what I like and don’t like on each side.”

Evelyn explained how after visiting the doctor for a pregnancy termination at the age of 20, she was surprised to find out about her two vaginas.
The splitting of her reproductive system meant that carrying a pregnancy full-term would be risky, as each of her wombs is half the size of an average woman’s and there was the risk of the space being too small for the baby to grow. She decided at that stage to continue with her abortion, despite medics who tried to pressure her into keeping her baby.
Working in the sex industry, Evelyn concentrated more on the benefits of her two vaginas – an increase in interest and income – until she and fiance Tom (32) discovered that she was once again pregnant.
“I always knew something was ‘wrong’ with me,” she said.
“I couldn’t get tampons to work – I would use a tampon and I would still bleed. When I was 14 and got my period there wasn’t access to internet like there is now and I lived on a farm with just my dad at that point.
“So I knew something was up and couldn’t find out what.
“Then I had a pregnancy termination when I was 20, and in hospital after the procedure I was told they ‘couldn’t find the embryo’. After an internal exam they realised it was in my other uterus – which I didn’t know I had.
“It was a relief to finally discover why everything felt different. When I started having sex it always felt different to me every time, and it wasn’t until this termination procedure that I finally found out what was wrong.”
However, Evelyn wasn’t able to feel that relief for long, as doctors started to pressure her to keep a baby she wasn’t ready for.
“Once I found out the embryo was still fine, I had to have another termination – which was traumatic.
“I was also pressured to go ahead with the pregnancy due to my rare condition.
“When they did the procedure, the doctor punctured my bowel due to the strange shape of my vaginas and reproductive systems.”
Since then, Evelyn has only seen specialists, adding that non-specialised doctors are fascinated by her unique body and often require her to draw diagrams for them.
Then in 2020, Evelyn found out that she was pregnant again – and this time, she planned to keep it.
“It was a high risk pregnancy due to both uteruses being half the size of a ’normal’ uterus, so I had a lot of scans,” she said.
“I was uncomfortable throughout my pregnancy – my bump was over to my right side because I was pregnant in my right uterus, meaning that the baby never sat central, so my back was terrible.
“I also can’t give birth vaginally so I had a scheduled C-section.
“The C-section experience wasn’t as magical as I thought. I’m thankful that I had a great procedure and nothing went wrong, but I didn’t love the feeling of pulling.
“Recovery was great and easy for me though. It was also nice having the tough decisions taken away from me in a sense, because I had to have a C-section. I didn’t have to make choices for my birth experience like whether I wanted to avoid intervention or not.
“I had my baby at 37 weeks in June 2021 – a healthy little boy, though he weighed 5.5-pounds because he was growth restricted in my small uterus.
“I’m currently pregnant again – in my right side – and my specialist wants to schedule this C-section at 36 weeks. I’ll be heavily monitored again.”
Evelyn added that this pregnancy is going well.
“I’m 13 weeks along now and finally over my morning sickness.
“It has been hard looking after a young baby and being so fatigued – especially while trying to work and film as well.”

Until having her first child, Evelyn had never spoken publicly about her condition, internally wondering whether she was even able to have children.
“When I realised that having two vaginas doesn’t affect me negatively, I came out publicly on Reddit, socials and OnlyFans, and it has been crazy ever since,” she said.
“I don’t wish that I only had one vagina. Having two has made my sex life more fun, and I think it’s important to embrace all bodies – we can all be so different.”
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