By Mahima Kaur
CUTE images from Feb 11th show an otter mum looking for some fresh fish for her pups and then emerging victoriously from the water.
Captured at the Stroud Waters Canal, Gloucestershire, England, one of the images shows the otter holding her fresh Chub fish, a little too big for her mouth, straight out of the water.
Otters are carnivores that feed mostly on fish like trout, carp and eels.
Sometimes they will look for food on land, selecting birds, eggs, insects and small mammals to satisfy their appetite – otters will usually eat more than two pounds of food a day.

A chub is a large-mouthed fish with large, black-edged scales, it attains a maximum length and weight of about 60 cm and 15–18 pounds.
These images were captured by Marc Freebrey (48) with a Nikon D850, Nikon Prime 500mm lens, f/8, 1/2500 sec, ISO 1000.
“The mother otter was feeding well and taking small fish back to the reed beds for the pups,” said Marc.
“After a frantic chase and amazing show, the otter surfaced with the amazing catch of a Chub.

“The pups were approximately six months old.
“They were clearly very secure in their environment and unconcerned by those around them.
“I often walk the Stroud Waters Canal to take photographs of wildlife.”