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This Hyena Crawled Out Of The Bushes Holding The Head Of An Innocent Zebra

By Amy Walters


GORY IMAGES have captured the moment a hyena emerged from the bushes holding the head of an innocent zebra.

In one image, a spotted hyena could be seen as it appeared bloody and worn whilst it held onto an innocent plains zebra’s head in its mouth.

In another image, four 132-pound hyenas are pictured as they settled in a waterhole, whilst one held onto the 88-pound zebra’s head as if it were its greatest possession.

The spotted hyena was seen tightly hanging onto a zebra’s head.

The gory images were taken by national park owner Louis Kruger (63) from Pretoria, South Africa, who captured the vicious feed in the country’s Kruger National Park from 49-feet away.

Louis captured the bloody feed using a Canon 7D MKII camera with a Canon EPF 500mmm lens.

“I was out on an afternoon drive around the Kruger National Park, where we came across a waterhole and decided to spend time there,” Louis said.

The spotted hyena then proceeded to devour the plain zebra’s decapitated head.

“After around two hours, we heard some hyenas in a nearby bush and after a while, they came running out with a bloody, decapitated zebra head.

“There were four hyenas in total and I believe the hyena clan must have hunted the innocent zebra whilst in the dense bush.

“Although we didn’t witness the attack, I was very excited to have captured this moment as it was a very unique sighting.

Four hyenas ganged up on the innocent zebra.

“I think as the photos took place in the late afternoon sun, this adds another dimension to the images which really show the gory side of nature.”

Plains zebras are native to eastern and southern Africa and typically live in treeless grasslands and woodlands. They can reach up to four-feet at full adult size and graze on grass, as well as leaves and stems.

Spotted hyenas are native to sub-Saharan Africa and are also known as the ‘laughing hyena’ due to their call when attacking fellow prey. At full adult size, they can reach up to 170-pounds and five-feet in height and typically feed on any animal they can get their hands on.

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