Being able to take decent photos seems to require years of experience. Unfortunately, not all people have years of practice under their belts by the time the family vacation comes around. However, a person does not need to be a professional to capture great memories.
Practice and More Practice
One of the best ways to practice taking clear shots with a steady hand is to make a photo book of the medical kit. In order to be able to identify the item labels, it is necessary to have a steady hand. Moreover, the exercise provides an additional benefit beyond practicing. When items need to be replaced, the book holds a clear picture. Consequently, eliminating guesswork when on an online medical supply store trying to reorder.
Something else to review would be the settings on the camera. Every camera is different, whether it be a smartphone or a compact digital camera. Knowing what your camera can do goes a long way to taking perfect shots. It is important to be familiar not only with the camera but also any other equipment that is going to be used. It should not take five people to set up your equipment. It should only take one—you.
The Right Light
If anyone has ever wondered why the eyes of the subject in their photos come out red, it is the light. Or rather, the lack thereof. In less light, those looking at the camera are more prone to getting the dreaded red-eye look.
Increasing the amount of light will keep the eyes of the subject from being as open, reducing or getting rid of the red-eye effect. Also choosing a no flash option can help with this too.
Look for a better source of light. Even using the flashlight function on someone else’s phone can work. The same can be said for decreasing the amount of light being used. Dimming the lights, closing the blinds, holding up an umbrella are all good ways to change the lighting.
Even changing the background can make a difference in the way the light is reflected. There is a huge difference between a backdrop that is the afternoon sky and one that is a sunset.
Using the right kind or amount of light can ensure that the subjects are highlighted and shaded as needed or wanted.
The Right Distance and Height
Taking a good shot means being at the right level. Unless the photo is of something dangerous, it is important to put yourself in the right position. Getting a nice shot of a puppy could mean laying on your stomach in the grass. The same holds true for capturing a great group shot of friends on the beach.
Remember, the use of the zoom function will not guarantee a good close-up. What is more likely to happen is a grainy subject with a fuzzy outline. Try to get as close to the subject as possible.
Another aspect that will help reduce getting a fuzzy photo is the focus. The subject of the photo should be the primary focus. For example, if a group of friends is sitting around a campfire, you will need to choose what the focus of the picture is going to be.
Patience is a Virtue
Rushing to take as many photos as possible is not a guarantee that any of the photos will be of any use. More than likely, there will be cut-off heads, red eyes, blurry hands, etc. It is a little difficult to build up a store of memories when you cannot tell who the people in the photos even are.
Being patient is key to taking good shots. Of course, there will be moments when the shot is completely off the cuff, so to speak. However, if the moment is missed, another one will come along. Trips with friends and family are full of those little moments that are just waiting to be captured on film. Do not worry about not getting them all.
Learning to take decent pictures does take a little work and a steady hand. Of course, it never hurts to practice as much as possible. Remember, photography is an art and does demand more than imagination to get good results.