Identifying any breast abnormalities for early detection of breast cancer as early as possible is why it is essential to regularly do a breast self-examination. Several notable clinical studies have shown clear evidence that patients who are diagnosed with breast cancer, at an early stage, have at the very least a ninety-three percent chance, if not higher, of survival rate.
This is even more significant if any breast abnormalities, that denote possible breast cancer, are discovered within the first five years of detection. Early detection of breast cancer through self-examinations allows for more treatment options. Your health care provider will then be able to prescribe the best treatment for you. If breast cancer is detected early you will undoubtedly have a better chance for survival.
Therefore, you would be well advised to see a health care provider immediately if you feel an unusual lump that is harder or feels different from the rest of your breast to make sure that you don’t have breast cancer.
Regular Breast Self-Examination Will Put You at Ease
Conducting breast self-exams regularly can highly improve your chances of finding cancer earlier. Realize that most lumps are not breast cancer. Non-cancerous lumps are often referred to as benign breast conditions such as fibroadenoma or a cyst. In younger women, some lumps can be attributed to their menstrual periods and disappear as soon as their cycle ends.
Other benign breast conditions will sometimes disappear on their own. Sometimes, if you have a benign breast tumors growth, the symptoms may be so subtle that they may only be detectable through the use of a mammogram but for the most of its growth can be felt as being firm and smooth, during a properly conducted self-examination. That being said, you would be well advised to see a health care provider immediately if you feel an unusual lump that is harder or feels different from the rest of your breast just to make sure that you don’t have breast cancer. If you have been diagnosed as having a non-cancerous lump in your breast, take comfort in knowing that you can now have lump removal without surgery with a simple in-office, outpatient procedure.
Even better, modern medical procedures have advanced in benign breast lump extraction to the point where there is no need for surgery and no visible scars are created. The procedure usually takes between fifteen to forty-five minutes depending on the size of the breast mice or cyst.
Get to know Your Breasts
Performing regular breast self-exams enables you to better understand the normal look and feel of your breasts. Getting familiar with your breasts will allow you to notice quickly if there is any change in your breasts. This way, if you notice a change in your breasts that seems out of the ordinary you can report it to your doctor immediately. So too, if you notice that one of your breasts is not looking at all like the other, you can report the noticeable difference to your health care provider and set up an appointment to visit them immediately for a proper diagnosis using a mammogram if necessary.
Make Breast Self-Examinations a Habit
Some habits are bad but breast self-examinations are good for you. It is highly recommended by healthcare professionals that, starting at the age of eighteen, women learn to perform breast self-exams on a regular set schedule so that they can notice astutely if things don’t look or feel quite right under their arms or around their breast area.
It is wise for both men and women to make it a habit to look for warning signs such as redness, darkening, swelling, the warmth of the breasts, changes in the shape or size of breasts, puckering or dimpling of the breast’s skin, thickening or hard knots inside of breasts or under the arms and discharge from nipples.
Ignoring breast cancer is not wise. Over forty-two thousand women in the United States die from breast cancer annually. One in every eight women in the United States is impacted by this life-threatening disease. Early detection of breast cancer through self-examinations allows for more treatment options. That is why it is essential to regularly do breast self-examination. It is indisputable that early detection of any breast abnormalities will give you a better chance for survival. Therefore, make sure to frequently self-examine your breasts for any lumps and consult with a doctor if you feel an unusual lump under your arms or in your breasts.