A trademark can be a slogan, a logo, or a phrase you register on your own company to uniquely identify your business.  A trademark can protect the image of your company and keep other companies from infringing on your intellectual property and rights. Having a trademark is the surest way to show your business is distinct from others of the same kind as much as they may be offering the same services. Without a registered trademark, you can easily lose your creativity, idea, and artwork. There are many reasons why you need to trademark your brand:


National and International Recognition

Anytime you register your company’s trademark with the federal government, your trademark becomes recognized throughout the country and at times internationally if your brand operates internationally. The perfect office to register your trademark with is a patent and trademark office in your respective country. Remember that an unregistered trademark is only enforceable in the geographic areas where the trademark owner is running the business. Registering your trademark can thus make your business more credible. While the process is usually lengthy, it is still worth registering your trademark. Based on the information at revisionlegal.com you need to hire an expert lawyer to help you file a trademark application. Your attorney can help you decide on whether to file the application under the intent to use the option or the use in commerce option. Your attorney can also help you understand whether you need to copyright your product and can help you protect your intellectual property. A lawyer can further help you handle any conflict that may prevent the registration of your trademark by appealing or changing your trademark as shall be appropriate. Your lawyer can help you tackle any trademark opposition against your product. Once your brand is recognized, you are sure competitors cannot steal it or copy it.


Your Trademark Can Serve as an Incentive for Your Company

Trademarking your business can show outsiders that you are a reputable business. This makes it easy for you to attract potential investors and employees. Anyone would anyway feel comfortable trading with a company that is legitimate as opposed to trading with one that very few people know about. It can also be easier for you to expand if you have a trademark as your trademark can market your business and thus attract target clients. Your trademark can enable you to get a loan to grow and expand your business. With a trademark, you can attract more clients to your company, and this way it can be easy for you to diversify and venture into new product lines provided you maintain your company name. A trademark can also make it possible for you to enter into franchising and product licensing and as a result add more value to your brand by displaying it to all potential clients and investors.


A Trademark is a Legal Shield

Your registered trademark can protect you in the future should issues arise. A business without a trademark is also prone to lawsuits. In case another company wants to register its business using your creativity,  your trademark can deny them such a platform. You can sue such a company to have the copied idea discarded and your brand identity restored to you. This way your competitors cannot use your business name or imitate your services and products. Your trademark is always your intellectual property and you can copyright it if the need arises.


A Trademark Can Make You Autonomous

Competition is very stiff in most markets today. Trademarking your brand, therefore, can cushion you from market pressures. Your trademark announces to everyone that you mean serious business and you can do whatever it takes to build your brand. Through your trademark, you can convey the emotional attributes of your brand and the intellectualism in your business too. Word trademarks can speak powerful messages about you.  With a trademark, it can be easy for your clients to find you as it can always capture the attention of your loyal clients. It can make your services and products stand out from similar services and products from other companies. Remember some people simply buy a trademark and not a service or a good. Your trademark can thus drive your customer’s decision to make a purchase.


A Trademark Can Make You Maximize Social Media

Social media marketing is a powerful tool in the 21st century. Anytime clients want to know about you, they always search for you by your slogan, name, and logo. Having a trademark thus makes your brand conspicuous and interested people can easily find you. Your trademark can attract a lot of traffic to your websites.


A Trademark is Permanent

Trademarks can never depreciate in value. If any, then the value of your trademark increases the reputation of your brand as time goes by. Trademarks can help you move from one industry to another. Interestingly, your trademark cannot expire and unlike your business license, you don’t need to renew it.

Whether you are a start-up business or a well-established brand, you need to trademark your brand. A trademark can introduce your brand to the nation and to the world depending on the geographical location your business operates in. A trademark is also a way of becoming autonomous in a market full of competition. With a trademark, you can be sure your competitors can never steal your ideas as you can always present your trademark registration documents in a court of law and have your competitors prevented from imitating your services or products. Your trademark is also a tool of communication through which in simple words you can tell your clients what your business is about. Your trademark can also be a key factor when you intend to create awareness of your business in new markets. A trademark is a valuable asset that can never fade nor lose its importance. It is worth trademarking your brand. Trademarks are inexpensive to acquire and they never expire once you have them.  You need a trademark for you to easily attract employees and investors. You also need a trademark to sell your brand on social media. With a trademark, you can easily rebrand and still maintain your clients.