By Liana Jacob
THIS BRITISH teacher is so desperate for a baby she has flipped her lifestyle upside-down and exceeded medical advice to lose over FOUR-STONE in just under a year in a bid to conceive a baby though IVF.
Teacher, Hannah Doyle (32), from Selby, UK, suffered a miscarriage in the weeks following her wedding to her husband, Martin, of nearly five-years in 2013. She reached her peak weight of 15st 3Ibs and was a UK size 18 to 20.

When she visited her doctor in March 2016, she was diagnosed with unexplained infertility and was told to reduce her Body Mass Index (BMI) by shedding three-stone in order to conceive via In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) but has since beaten her doctor’s target and slimmed down to 11st and a UK size 12 by April 2017.
She began her first round of IVF in July 2017 and has since become physically active by running four-times-a-week after re-joining Slimming World; which she originally joined in the run up to her wedding when she initially lost one-and-a-half-stone.

Hannah Doyle / MDWfeatures
“I have always been slightly overweight but following on from my wedding I suffered a miscarriage and for the next two years my weight crept up as my focus was all about falling pregnant,” Hannah said.
“Unfortunately, that didn’t happen, and we were referred for sub-fertility tests where I was told I needed to lose three-stone to reduce my BMI in order to qualify for IVF treatment should we need it.

Hannah Doyle / MDWfeatures
“I was then diagnosed with unexplained infertility (no medical reason for not conceiving) and not fallen pregnant since.
“My main reason for losing weight was in response to our infertility journey, however, I was shocked by photos I saw of myself from a friend’s hen do where I looked enormous.

Hannah Doyle / MDWfeatures
“I knew that health-wise, I needed to focus on myself and decided it was time to re-join Slimming World. I had previously been a member and lost one-and-a-half-stone for my wedding but in the two-years following, bad habits had crept back in.
“I was wearing size eighteen to twenty clothes and as the weight had gone on steadily over a period of around two-years I hadn’t noticed how big I had got.

Hannah Doyle / MDWfeatures
“The GP gave me a target BMI to work towards in order to receive fertility treatment. It meant losing over three-stone and so that became my goal.
“I set my target to lose just over four-stone to ensure my health was as good as possible. I knew that it might be the only way I could give my husband and I the chance to have a family one day.

Hannah Doyle / MDWfeatures
“Not only was I able to qualify for the treatment but my overall health has improved vastly. Whilst our treatment has yet to be successful, I believe that I have given myself the best chance of having a family by ensuring my health is as good as possible.
“I am now a size twelve and I can wear any clothes I want; I am much fitter now, I am able to run ten kilometres without stopping and I’m now training for a half marathon.

Hannah Doyle / MDWfeatures
“My confidence has increased hugely, and my hair, skin and general health is much better. I am very happy with how I look; I’m much more confident in many aspects of life and really proud that I have been able to achieve such a significant weight loss.
“It takes a lot of determination and willpower over a long period of time to get results and if it were easy, everyone would be slim, I guess.

Hannah Doyle / MDWfeatures
“But the feeling each week of stepping on the scales knowing I’d made good choices and they show in the numbers was great.”
While Hannah would do no exercise and indulge daily in a high carbohydrate diet of two slices of buttered white toast, cheese sandwich, an evening meal of fish and chips and two packets of crisps and a chocolate bar, she now commits to running four-times-a-week.

Hannah Doyle / MDWfeatures
Her breakfast now consists of poached eggs on wholemeal toast with spinach, for lunch she has a ham salad and enjoys homemade chicken, roasted vegetables and rice for her dinner.
She used to consume up to 5,000 calories a day, while now she has reduced her intake to between 1,200 and 1,500.

Hannah Doyle / MDWfeatures
She says that making good choices in her exercise and diet has not only made her feel more confident, but also increased her chances of conceiving through IVF treatment. However, it has also made socialising with friends difficult.
“It can be hard in social situations for example eating out, or nights out with friends, but it all becomes about choice,” she said.

Hannah Doyle / MDWfeatures
“There will always be low-fat, low-calorie options on any menu and you can swap out chips for a jacket potato or salad.
“On the days where my ‘choices’ weren’t the best they could be; I just had to start again and not let it escalate into a week of bad choices.

Hannah Doyle / MDWfeatures
“Lots of people have been very lovely and complimentary about my weight loss and are a bit surprised when they see me.
“People commonly ask me how I did it and I cannot recommend Slimming World enough. I genuinely believe it is the only plan around that offers you a long-term food plan that can be sustained for life.

Hannah Doyle / MDWfeatures
“I think you have to be in the right frame of mind and know that you have the willpower to sustain your weight loss as it takes time and you really do have to take each day at a time.
“My advice is to plan, plan, plan! I tend to plan a day ahead of myself but I know some people plan their whole week!
“When shopping, make sure you buy SW friendly meals and allow yourself foods you wouldn’t normally be allowed (as long as you stay within your syns).”

Hannah Doyle / MDWfeatures
To find your nearest Slimming World group, call 0344 897 8000 or log on to: