Deadly Meal Steal
By Mark McConville
THE MOMENT a cheeky African Fish Eagle stole a hungry crocodile’s next meal has been captured by a gob-smacked tourist.
The stunning shots show the large seven-pound eagle swoop in low to the water’s surface to catch a fish before flying off again.
A peeved crocodile can be seen just behind the eagle as it looks forlornly at its catch escaping in the bird’s talons.
While the fish would have only been an appetiser for the hungry croc it looks like it would make a substantial meal for the crafty eagle.
The snaps were taken in Lower Sabie Dam in the Kruger National Park, South Africa by local amateur photographer Fanie Heymans (51) from Welkom.
“Sunset Dam at Lower Sabie, Kruger National Park is quite big, especially if you take pictures of birds, and the African Fish Eagle was at a distance of 80 meters from me,” he said.
“The African Fish Eagle with its distinctive plumage and evocative cry is probably the most familiar bird of prey in Africa.
“I had to make sure that the images were pin sharp, if I wanted to be able to use the images. Images of birds in flight are normally difficult to photograph, especially when you are bound to the inside of a vehicle.”
Fanie couldn’t believe his luck at witnessing such a rare scene.
“Nature photography is always full of surprises,” he said.
“You never know what you are going to find around the next corner, and nature never disappoints especially if you are patient and love to be in the wild.
“There is always something to photograph from the large mammals like elephants to the tiniest mouse or insect.”